Sister Klein received the baptism of the Holy Ghost at the age of 22, and was baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ in Opelousas, Louisiana by Pastor E.W. Reeves. Sister Klein has been very greatly used in the gifts of the Spirit, especially the prophetic gifts of the word of knowledge, word of wisdom, and the gift of faith. She has seen great healings, signs, and miracles in 30 years of ministry. Many calls have been received confirming the workings of the Holy Ghost through Sister Klein. She serves as a Professor of Jewish Studies at Apostolic Theological Seminary. Sister Klein teaches pastors and those in ministry to read and work in the Hebrew language which is the language of the Old Testament. She travels around the world with her husband, Dr. Bruce Klein, ministering and teaching in churches, colleges, and seminaries. She has written two books; Biblical Prayer and Defining Original Sin: What it is and isn’t. The Kleins are parents to six children and have four granddaughters. They make their home in the great state of Louisiana.
God mightily uses Sister Klein to reach out to the
Whatever your problems are you can be DELIVERED, and become a deliverer of others through JESUS CHRIST!
Order of Services:
Saturday, October 25, 2014 Sunday, October 26, 2014
1st Session 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Morning Service 10:00 AM
Lunch Break 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (Sister Klein will be ministering during service.)
2nd Session 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM Freewill offering received during services
New Testament Apostolic Church 3041 Westmoor Kokomo, IN 765-455-1770
Bishop James and Evangelist Rose Daughtry, Pastors